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NORVI IIOT-AE03 – Test Program

1 min read

Introduction #

  • This guide is intended to test the features and basic operation of the device, NORVI IIOT-AE03.


Table of Test Instructions #

Flash the test code firmware before testing the device. Follow the instructions in the Guide to Flashing the Test Code Firmware guide, to flash the binary code.

Testing component/feature

Expected Output/Outputs


Provide a 24V DC supply.

The red LED inside the device glows.
Digital InputsPower up the device using a 24V DC supply.

Connect the device to the PC using a USB cable, and check the serial monitor.

Connect the GND and COM pins and supply 24 VDC to every digital input one by one.
In the input status, the status of all eight digital inputs will be 1. (As they are internally pulled up)

The input status changes from 1 to 0, and the input side LED indicator glows accordingly.
Voltage InputPower up the device using a 24V DC supply.

After powering up the device, to check the working of the analog (voltage) input, supply a voltage between 0 and 10 V (10 V max) to the voltage input.

Check this link for the wire connections.
A corresponding analog voltage step value is displayed.
Push ButtonsPress the 3 push buttons, one at a time.

The 4-digit analog status of the push button is displayed accordingly on the display.

Analog status 1_ _ _  for the upper button

Analog status 2_ _ _  for the middle button

Analog status 3_ _ _  for the lower button
RS-485  Communication
For this test, a USB-to-RS-485 converter is required.

Connect the RS-485 A and B pins of the Norvi device with the respective A and B pins of the USB to the RS-485 converter.

Plug the USB end of the USB-to-RS-485 converter into the PC.

Power up the Norvi device using a USB Cable.

Open the Arduino IDE application.

Select the correct COM port of the USB to RS-485 converter in the Arduino IDE and open the serial Monitor.

Send the Number ‘5’ in the serial monitor.
In the serial monitor, the “RS485 SUCCESS” statement is printed.

This indicates that the RS-485 sending operation is functioning properly in the Norvi device.

Once the number “5” is received, all the output side LED indicators will glow simultaneously for a few seconds. Then later, they’ll continue to glow in their previous pattern.

This indicates that the RS-485 receiving operation functions properly on the Norvi device.

Test Program #

#define Analog1 33
#define buttonPin 32

int  buttonState = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(18, INPUT);
  pinMode(39, INPUT);
  pinMode(34, INPUT);
  pinMode(35, INPUT);
  pinMode(19, INPUT);
  pinMode(21, INPUT);
  pinMode(22, INPUT);
  pinMode(23, INPUT);


void loop()
  Serial.print("D1: ");                        //Digital Inputs Check
  Serial.print("\tD2: ");
  Serial.print("\tD3: ");
  Serial.print("\tD4: ");
  Serial.print("\tD5: ");
  Serial.print("\tD6: ");
  Serial.print("\tD7: ");
  Serial.print("\tD8: ");
  Serial.print("Button: ");
  buttonState = analogRead(buttonPin);
  Serial.print("\tAnalog: ");